Stiod Sharing: Foldable High Heels

10 May

Have you heard of Marte den Hollander? No problem if not, I did not either until I thought I had an Stiod and went researching.

I kind of feel some stiod are mostly a wish. But however. This designer created these shoes with heels that can be folded into comfortable flats. It  just makes my wish/stiod true and I am pretty happy and hopeful I’ll see these versatile shoes on the stores.



One Response to “Stiod Sharing: Foldable High Heels”


  1. Stiod Sharing – Sachet Pierce « Stiod – Stupid Ideas of the day - May 15, 2012

    […] Stiod Sharing: Foldable High Heels ( […]

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